Meet The Team: Andrew Gunn

5 October 2023

1. What is your favorite aspect of Metro Optic?

Most definitely the people who work at MO. The entire team are experts in their own roles, and we all work together towards our common goal of offering excellent services while delivering the best solutions for our partners/clients.

2. What interested you in the telecom industry?

I have always been fascinated by the telecom industry due to its pivotal role in shaping the way we communicate and connect with the world. The rapid advancements and innovations in this field have intrigued me since the beginning. One of the key factors that captured my interest is the transformative impact of telecommunications on society, businesses and individuals.

The telecom industry serves as the backbone of global connectivity, enabling seamless communication across borders and facilitating the exchange of information on a massive scale. It plays an essential role in bridging the gaps between people, businesses and communities, making the world a smaller, more interconnected place.

3. What makes Metro Optic unique in the telecom industry?

First, the people !!

Secondly, Metro Optic's unique combination of a fiber-first approach, local expertise, innovation, diverse services, sustainability efforts, and a focus on reliability make us a standout player in the telecom industry. Our commitment to delivering high-quality, customized solutions sets them apart and positions them as a valuable partner for businesses and content providers.

4. Who inspires you, and who do you aspire to be in your career or life?

I find inspiration from a variety of sources, both in my personal and professional life. In my career, I am inspired by individuals who have made a positive impact on their fields and the world.

As for who I aspire to be, I aim to continually grow and evolve as a person and in my career. I aspire to be someone who makes a meaningful contribution to society, whether through innovative ideas, helping others, or advancing knowledge in my field. Ultimately, I aspire to be someone who leaves a positive and lasting impact on the people around me.